Embrace the Curve

Hi! My name is Angela Huang, and I am the founder of Embrace the Curve, Inc! I am currently a high schooler and a scoliosis patient myself.

I was diagnosed with scoliosis in middle school. At the beginning, my curve was moderate, but it has increased in degrees since. Ever since I was diagnosed with scoliosis, I needed to wear an orthopedic shoe lift to address my leg length discrepancy. Being a teen, it was very embarrassing to wear a heavily modified shoe on one foot with a very noticeable difference in height than the other. As some of you may relate, I had a pretty difficult time dealing with that reality along with the serious back pain caused by my condition. However, I have learned to embrace my physical difference/appearance and gained the inner strength to cope with pain/challenges. Now, I have a healthier attitude and more positive view. Even though I still face daily challenges, I want to share my experiences with those who may be facing similar difficulties and may find some encouragement and support in this journey.


The mission of ETC is to increase and spread awareness about scoliosis among teens and to encourage positive self-image. ETC strives to promote a positive outlook on different body shapes and the acceptance of a curved spine.

Our Vision

ETC will provide methods of coping with the negative effects of scoliosis and provide teens with ways to improve the decorative and functional aspects of orthopedic shoes to be more affordable.

Contact me

Let’s get in touch. We would love to hear your message!